
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Ya Allah untuk semuanya

Sunday, December 6, 2009

open ur heart

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
The praises to Allah we should always say
when things go right it's from Him not me
And when they are wrong, we get through patiently

you should open ur heart and see things that go wrong calmly
don't let ur feeling messed up ur mind..
u already given by Allah a wonderful give 'akal fikiran yang sempurna'..
u should use it and thinks everything rationally...
u must always stay calm...stay sabr
bcoz if u're not there are always come that "things" to mess up ur mind..

Sesungguhnya marah itu dari syaitan. Syaitan itu dijadikan daripada api,apabila kamu marah, maka hendaklah dia mengambil wuduk." (Abu Daud)

a person is in the weakest state if he or she is in ruffle state..

while the strongest person of all is someone who can control his anger..

"Bukannya kuat (kerana dapat mengalahkan orang) dengan bergusti, tetapi kekuatan sebenarnya ialah orang yang dapat mengawal dirinya ketika marah." (Al-Tirmizi)

many big difficulties and many big problems

susahkan nak ubah perception org..
susahkan kalau nak sedapkan hati semua org..
susahkan kalau nak biarkan hati kita betul-betul ikhlas..
masalahkan kalau orang tak faham kita...
masalahkan kalau kita asyik fikir pasal diri kita je tanpa fikir org laen..asyik fikir kita semua betul...
masalahkan kalau kita nak semua org asyik ikut telunjuk kita je..
masalahkan kalau kita x boleh tolerate dgn org laen..
masalahkan kalau kita asyik tengok keburukan org tu saje kan tanpa fikir kebaikan org tu..
susahkan kalau kita nak jadi perfect dalam semua aspect...
masalahkan kalau kita hanya memandang sesuatu perkara itu hanya sebelah mata saja...

p/s:RESPECTLA seseorg seadanya..dan lihatlah sesuatu bukan hanya dari mata saja tpi gunakan la juga fikiran anda..tengokla yang sebenarnya..mana satukan yang betul mana satukah yang salah..jgnlah membiarkan ckp2 org mengaburi pemikiran anda...

with a great big hug n a kiss from me to u....=)

tibe2 tgh2 malm ni tringat pulak dkt my family..huhu..i miss u all...

dalam keadaan yg sedang menguji diriku ini aku fikir jika aku sedang bersama mereka alangkah selesa dan bahagia diriku ini..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I love U

I love u, I love u, I love u, I will always love u, I will always miss u.

One thing that we must remember is that death is inevitable, and everything except the Almighty God of course, will perish. Signs of death can be seen all around us. At funerals we see people who were once walking among us being buried in their graves. In the fall we see the leaves turn from green to yellow and fall one at a time, and in the winter we see trees, lifeless. In this way, all things in this world will wither away and die.

Alfatihah to my wan (datuk) who was already left us forever during the first day of aiduladha. The voices of takbir accompanied him. I will always miss u.

"" Verily, with ALLAH alone is the knowledge of the Hour. And HE sends down the rain, and HE knows what is in the wombs. And no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Surely, ALLAH is All-Knowing, All-Aware. "" 31:34

No soul knows in what land it will die. We cannot change something that already have destined. And it was already fated that his soul was invited by Allah at that time and at my house. That was the first and the last time he came to my house after we move to this house about 3 months ago.

"He it is Who gives life and ordains death. Whatever He decrees, He only commands it to be and it is." 40:68

One thing I regret, I was not at his side at that time.

Kedengaran suara takbir sering mengingatkanku tentang dirimu.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Still in Confusion state????

Who am I actually.. I donno. But one thing I know is that it’s really hard for a person to transform. To change it’s not and easy things. Although we put a lot of efforts in it, we will still tend to go back to what we used before. I know it’s impossible to convert a person to a totally new person. But I just want to change a little bit. However, I still can’t. My body seem doesn’t want a change. Huh, what I must do..? What I must do to amend myself…???

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Prophet Ibrahim a.s

This Friday is our Eid ul-Adha. Eid ul-Adha, commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim's a.s willingness to obey God by sacrificing his son. So, why don't we take this time to look back at the life of Prophet Ibrahim a.s and get some values from it. I'm sure that some of us already 'ingat2 lupa' about this history. So come we put our memory back about life of Prophet Ibrahim a.s.

The Advent of Ibrahim (Abraham):
Long ago Almighty Allah gave the honor of His choice to a man called Ibrahim. He became the Prophet. His native Mesopotamia is the present southern 'Iraq. He was an ideal model for mankind. Speaking highly of him the Holy Qur'an says:

"Ibrahim was indeed a paragon of virtue, obedient to Allah, ever inclined to Him and he was not of those who set up equals to Allah. He was ever grateful for His favours, We chose him and guided him to a straight path; and We bestowed on him good in this world and in the Hereafter, he will surely be among the righteous." (16: 120-121)

His Nation was Staunch Worshippers of Idols:
In the days of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) ignorance prevailed upon the minds of the people. Most of the people had no knowledge of Allah and His teachings. They worshipped the sun, the moon and the stars. They were astronomers and maintained the records of the movements of the planets. They prayed to the idols made of wood and stone and made many offerings for them. The priests enjoyed a prominent place in the society. They commanded respect among their followers. They were paid well. The poor people were ruled by the chiefs. They were subjected to their cruelty and injustice.
The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was the son of Terah whose surname Adhar was popularly known. He was a doll carver and a staunch worshipper of idols. He did all he could to compel Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to worship the handicrafts of man but flatly refused to do so. He hated even an idea of worshipping the idols which could neither see, nor hear, nor speak.

Breakage of the Idols:
There was a grand ceremony outside the locality and every one had to participate in the celebrations. Most of the evil-doers drank; liquor and became noisy and wild. They were losing their balance of mind in a state of intoxication. There was a great hustle. Almost every one from the town attended the ceremony except the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He had a special plan in his mind. He proceeded towards the Temple escaping the sight of others. When he entered the Temple, he saw there many statues which stood motionless and helpless.
The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) lifted his heavy axe and began to smite the idols turn by turn. The idols fell to the ground with a big thud. The floor was loaded with numerous noses, ears, heads, arms, legs and other parts of the idols. He broke all the idols in the sanctuary but spared the Chief one. He did so to demonstrate that the idols had no power to cause harm to any one or bestow benefits upon others. They were as helpless as mere stones and it is against the dignity of human beings to pay homage to them. When the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) finished his job, he left the Temple cautiously making sure that no one had seen him.

Decision to Burn Ibrahim Alive:
When the celebrations came to an end, the people returned. The priests went directly towards the Temple as usual and some people accompanied them. They saw that the idols were smashed to pieces. The floor was littered with stones and the Chief idol was standing with an axe hanging down along its neck. The priests began to scream and became confused. The people rushed to the Temple on hearing a deafening hue and cry. Every one was in a furious mood. They wanted to know who had dared do this trouble to the idols. They wished to take revenge. Then some one said that the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) would have done so because he consistently spoke ill of our gods and advised the people to worship One God. The Holy Qur'an relates:

"Then he broke them into pieces except the Chief of them that haply they may return to him. They said: Who has done so to our gods? Most surely he is one of the evil-doers. We heard a youth called Ibrahim making mention of them." (21:58-60)

The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was summoned to appear before the king. When he came, he was asked if he had destroyed all those idols. He remained silent for a while. Afterwards he directed the king to ask the chief idol on whose neck was hung the axe with which the havoc was done. The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was mocking and making fun of those stupid people who worshipped helpless, dumb and deaf idols made of stones. The king as well as the priests did not like to prolong their discussions because the arguments of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) were very sound and convincing. The Holy Qur'an relates:

"Then they said to Ibrahim: Is it you who has done so to our gods? He replied: Well, some one has surely done this. Here is the chief of them, so ask them if they can speak. Then they turned towards one another and said: You yourselves are surely in the wrong. Then they were made to hung down their heads out of shame and said to Ibrahim: Certainly you know that they do not speak." (21: 62-65).

Although they felt ashamed yet they remained stubborn. They decided to burn the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) alive for causing destruction to their idols.

Fire does not Burn The Prophet Ibrahim:
A big furnace was prepared for this purpose. The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was tied with a rope and he could hardly move. He was quite calm and cheerful believing firmly that Allah would save him. He did not even resist and the spectators were amazed at his attitude.
The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was thrown in the centre of the furnace. The flames of the fire were blazing. They sizzled and hissed but the Almighty Allah ordered the fire not to harm His friend Ibrahim (peace be upon him):

"We said: 0' fire! Be thou a means of comfort and security for Ibrahim." (21:69)

The transgressors thought that the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had burnt to death. They did not hear the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) shouting with pain. Some time later the people saw the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) walking out of the fire safe as if nothing had touched him. They were much surprised to see him.

The Prophet Ibrahim's Preaching:
The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) received the message of Allah through a special angel Gabriel (Jibra'il). Gradually he was commanded to start preaching. As he was a strong man in his will and determination, he worked very hard. He began his mission in the teeth of opposition. He argued with his people with great vigour regarding the folly of worshipping the idols. The Holy Qur'an says:

"When he said to his father and his people: What are these images to which you are so devoted ? They replied: We found our fathers worshipping them. He said: Then you as well as your fathers have indeed, been in manifest error. They said: Is it really the truth that you have brought for us or are you jesting ? He replied: Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth; He brought them into existence and I am of those who bear witness to this, and by Allah, I will certainly plan against your idols after you have gone away and turned your backs." (21: 52-57)

Opposition by the People and Discussion with the King:
The people paid no heed to his teachings. They insisted on their ways. They did not refrain from worshipping the twinkling stars, shining moon and ugly idols. The priests kept on encouraging the people to disbelieve in the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). They were afraid lest they should be deprived of their priesthood if the people abandoned idol-worship. As a matter of fact the king Nemrùd in that area thought himself to be god. He had a big castle and many soldiers at his disposal. He desired to argue with the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) one day. They met to hold discussions: The king looked at the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) mockingly for a while. Then he said: What is this thing you are calling the people for? Why do you persuade the People to worship God Who is invisible? The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) replied boldly: My God is the One: Who gives and takes away life. Nemrud answered arrogantly: I have also the power to do that. I can kill the persons and can spare them also. The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) asked a clever question that caught every one by surprise. He said: My God causes the sun to rise from the East and set it in the West. Can you make it come from the east? On hearing the king remained silent because he knew that no man had the power to do so.

Migration to Palestine:
In spite of this miracle the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) could not have a large number of people following his teachings. He went on preaching and underwent a chain of tests and trials to prove his obedience and sincerity. When his people tortured the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), he was ordered to leave that area and go to the blessed land which is now called Palestine. In compliance with the Commandment of Almighty Allah the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) did not lose a moment's rest without getting in touch with the people and teaching them about God and His message. Nothing seemed to discourage him.

Birth of the Prophet Isma'il and Migration to Mecca:
As the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had no off-spring from his first wife Sarah, he entered into matrimonial alliance with another woman called Hajira (Hagar). He prayed for a son in all sublimity and his prayer was granted. Some time later Hajira announced happy news that she was expecting a baby. As time passed she gave birth to Isma'il (Ishmael). Soon after God ordered the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to take his wife Hajira and the Prophet Isma'il(peace be upon him) to the valley of Bathã (Mecca). In accordance with the Divine Commandment he set out on a long and troublesome journey. They arrived at the spot after a long time. It was hilly area without any trees and water. They set up their tents and looked around but nothing was visible except sand. The Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) had attained the age of a few months only when the event of migration took place. He began to cry because of thirst. His mother began to look for water but it was not available anywhere.

Zam Zam is Discovered:
She ran desperately in quest of water between two hillocks called Safa and Marwa but found no water. She came back to her thirsty infant and was surprised to see the spring of Zam Zam emerged from beneath the foot of the Prophet Isma'il (peace be upon him). She heaved a sigh of relief. She quenched the thirst of her baby with water. Many people from far and wide came to the spot where Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his family had settled. Gradually this locality named Mecca became the birth place of Islam.

Vision of the Prophet Ibrahim Regarding the Sacrifice of the Prophet Isma'il:
The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) went back to Palestine to join his first wife, the beloved Sarah. He received a Commandment in his vision to sacrifice his only son, Isma'il. The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had no hesitation in complying with what he was ordered to do but his son was infant at that time. He had to wait until he grew older. Due to delay the temptation of not doing what he was supposed to do, was certainly there. But the Prophet Ibrahim (peace he upon him) had a solid faith in Allah and his life was all dedicated to His' service. So he kept on waiting until Prophet Isma'il (peace be upon him) became a teenager. One day the father told his son about the dream. To his great surprise he saw that Prophet Isma'il (peace be upon him) had no objection and was willing to be sacrificed as Allah had willed it. He said:

"O' my father! Do what you have been commanded to do; then you will find me of the patients." (37: 102)

This was a hard decision for a young man to take and it was a moment of great faith in Allah.

The Ordeal of Sacrifice of Prophet Ismail:
On the tenth of Dhil Hijja the father and his beloved son walked side by side. A young lad possessed forbearance and the old man was full of determination and spirit to complete submission to Allah. Their purpose was to carry out the orders of their Lord. Nothing was dearer to them than the service of Allah. They proceeded towards Mina with a sharp butcher's knife that, the old shaky Ibrahim had in his hand. Many a thought and memories of the past must have crossed in their minds. Finally they reached a special spot. The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) looked at his loving son whereas Prophet Isma'il (peace be upon him) cast a glance at his, father obediently and cheerfully. The father laid his son prostrate on the ground. He was standing beside him. His heart was beating violently. He was shaking with emotions when he drew the knife across the neck of his son. It was a moment of action, an action that was very hard to put into practice.
God highly appreciated them for their obedience and they heard a voice:

"0' Ibrahim! you have indeed shown the truth of the vision. Surely do We reward the doers of good." (37:105)

When Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) fulfilled the command of the dream, he was ordered not to sacrifice his own son. A ram was provided in his stead. The Prophet Isma'il (peace be upon him) stood up and the ram was sacrificed. So the moment of suspense came to an end and both the father and the son expressed a deep sense of happiness and gratitude. From that time until today, the savage custom human sacrifice has been absolutely abolished.

Glad Tidings Regarding the Birth of Prophet Ishaq:
When the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) displayed his unstinted submission to the orders of Allah by trying to sacrifice his beloved son Ismail he was informed of a glad-tiding regarding the birth of baby from Sarah, his first wife. The Holy Qur'an affirms:

"And We gave him the good news of Ishaq (Isaac), a Prophet among the good ones and We showered our blessings on him and on Ishaq, and of their offspring are the doers of good and also those who are clearly unjust to their ownselves." (37: 112, 113)

Time passed by and Sarah, the old lady got pregnant. At last she gave birth to a male baby and they gave him the name of Ishaq. Later on Isma'il (peace be upon him) proved to be the Prophet of the Muslims and Ishaq (peace be upon him) became the Prophet of the Jews.

Re-construction of Ka'bah:
The first House of Allah, the Ka'bah was erected by the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). It was reconstructed by the Prophet Ibrahim and the Prophet Isma'il (peace be upon them). The Muqam-e-Ibrahim is still outside the enclosure. It is a place of marble-like stone on which he stood to raise the walls of the sanctuary at Mecca. This stone contains the sunken imprints of the feet of the great Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). The Holy Qur'an testifies to the hallowed sanctity of this stone by declaring it to be one of the Signs of Allah. It says:

"We made the House a resort for men and a place of security after saying: Take as your place of worship the spot where Ibrahim stood to pray. And We enjoined Ibrahim and Isma'il by saying: Purify My House for those who visit it and those who meditate therein; and those who bow down and those who prostrate themselves." (2:125)

Burial Place:
The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) lived for 175 years. His life was full of happenings, tests and trials. He had a firm faith in Allah. He never missed a moment's rest in calling for the message of Allah. He gained thousands upon thousands of believers. When he passed away, he was buried in Hebron, twenty miles south-west of Jerusalem.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Al mu'allim

We once had a Teacher
The Teacher of teachers,
He changed the world for the better
And made us better creatures,
Oh Allah we’ve shamed ourselves
We’ve strayed from Al-Mu'allim,
Surely we’ve wronged ourselves
What will we say in front him?
Oh Mu'allim...

He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam,
Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind,
He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam,
Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind,
Teacher of all Mankind.
Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet]
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad
(The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad)
Ya Mustafa ya Imamal Mursalina
(O Chosen One, O Imam of the Messengers)
Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina
(O Chosen One, O intercessor of the worlds)
He prayed while others slept
While others ate he’d fast,
While they would laugh he wept
Until he breathed his last,
His only wish was for us to be
Among the ones who prosper,
Ya Mu'allim peace be upon you,
Truly you are our Teacher,
Oh Mu'allim..

Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Ya Rasuli ya Muhammad
(O My Messenger O Muhammad)
Ya Bashiri ya Muhammad
(O bearer of good news O Muhammad)
Ya Nadhiri ya Muhammad
(O warner O Muhammad)
'Ishqu Qalbi ya Muhammad
(The love of my heart O Muhammad)
Nuru 'Ayni ya Muhammad
(Light of my eye O Muhammad)
He taught us to be just and kind
And to feed the poor and hungry,
Help the wayfarer and the orphan child
And to not be cruel and miserly,
His speech was soft and gentle,
Like a mother stroking her child,
His mercy and compassion,
Were most radiant when he smiled

Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet]
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad
(The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad)
Ya Mustafa Ya Imamal Mursalina
(O Chosen One O Imam of the Messengers)
Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina
(O Chosen One O intercessor of the worlds)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mengisafi diri



Sesungguhnya aku menyedari bahawa diriku terlampau banyak kekurangan. Terlampau banyak perkara yang aku perlu perbetulkan. Terlampau banyak perkara yang perlu aku renungkan dan perlu untuk mengisafi diri. Terlampau banyak niat dihatiku yang perlu aku perbetulkan. Ya ALLAH perbetulkan segala niatku ini. Bagilah segala-galanya yang aku buat hanya demi mu Ya ALLAH. Sesunguhnya Engkau adalah tempat aku berserah dan memohon pertolongan.

Rahsia solat awal waktu


Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam. Aku rasa fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak?

Sebagai contoh, pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh. Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi. Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki. Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur. Di sini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat di awal waktu. Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum. Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud. Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.

Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (Isyraq & Dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor. Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman. Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan. Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya. Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak?

Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif. Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti. Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ni jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu). Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita.

Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah. Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam. Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita. Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.

Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan. Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak. Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan. Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam. Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta di mana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan. Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus. Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.

Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam. Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya. Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh. Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di’kurniakan’ syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini. Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hamba-Nya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukan-Nya. Adalah amat malang sekali bagi kumpulan manusia yang amat cuai dalam menjaga solatnya tapi amat berdisiplin dalam menghadiri kelas taichinya.


Diambil dari web

Thursday, October 8, 2009

aidilfitri 2009....


habis xm brula bole nak berblogging nih.. again only pic can present love to words can describe it..=)

after theater mestila njoy..


post theater dinner dkt chop n steak..makanan die masin..=(..tpi thanks to sape2 yg arrangekan dinner ni..n thanks to kak muna who become a good director for our theater..

tamatnye MCW ( malay cultural week )


End of MCW means that the end of everynight practices. walaupun berpractice smpai kul 1 pagi..hatiku gumbira..hehe..n all of these are pics i took during practice n d real day of theater

ni mase tun teja, mak inang, tun hakim, tun arif practice

hehe..smentare tunggu org practice, ktorg dayang2 nih mbikla pic diri sendiri dulu :P

n this is the real day =)

my scene : hang jebat bersama dayang-dayang..
mak inang (aleen) n tun teja
hang tuah n tun teja menggala ( jah)..tuah bgi baby kpda tun teja
part nyanyi heroin tun teja
monolog tuah..

n ade video..if u wanna see it..I uploaded it in the fb..

Friday, September 11, 2009

hayatilah dis song~

Afgan – PadaMu Aku Bersujud

Ku menatap dalam kelam

tiada yang bisa ku lihat

selain hanya nama Mu ya Allah

Esok ataukah nanti

ampuni semua salahku

lindungi aku dari segala fitnah

kau tempatku meminta

kau beriku bahagia

jadikan aku selamanya

hambaMu yang selalu bertaubat

Ampuniku Ya Allah

yang sering melupakanMu

saat Kau limpahkan karuniaMu

dalam sunyi aku bersujud

Esok ataukah nanti

ampuni semua salahku

lindungi aku dari segala fitnah

Kau tempatku meminta

Kau beriku bahagia

jadikan aku selamanya

hambaMu yang selalu bertaubat

Ampuni aku ya Allah

yang sering melupakanMu

saat Kau limpahkan karuniaMu

dalam sunyi aku bersujud

Kau tempatku meminta

Kau beriku bahagia

jadikan aku selamanya

hambaMu yang selalu bertaubat

Ampuni ku ya Allah

yang sering melupakanMu

saat Kau limpahkan karuniaMu

dalam sunyi aku bersujud


Thursday, September 10, 2009

ALLAH Knows Best

Allah knows what’s best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain

We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow

For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we’re patient
Is followed by rich again

So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just Allah’s way
To make our spirit’s strong.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pendayung Sampan

Suatu hari, seorang Professor yang sedang membuat kajian tentang lautan menumpang sebuah sampan. Pendayung sampan itu seorang tua yang begitu pendiam. Professor memang mencari pendayung sampan yang pendiam agar tidak banyak bertanya ketika dia sedang membuat kajian. Dengan begitu tekun Professor itu membuat kajian. Diambilnya sedikit air laut dengan tabung uji kemudian digoyang-goyang; selepas itu dia menulis sesuatu di dalam buku. Berjam-jam lamanya Professor itu membuat kajian dengan tekun sekali. Pendayung sampan itu mendongak ke langit.Berdasarkan pengalamannya dia berkata di dalam hati, "Hmm. Hari nak hujan."

"OK, semua sudah siap, mari kita balik ke darat" kata Professor itu. Pendayung sampan itu akur dan mula memusingkan sampannya ke arah pantai. Hanya dalam perjalanan pulang itu barulah Professor itu menegur pendayung sampan. "Kamu dah lama kerja mendayung sampan?" Tanya Professor itu. "Hampir seumur hidup saya." Jawab pendayung sampan itu dgn ringkas. "Seumur hidup kamu?" Tanya Professor itu lagi. "Ya". "Jadi kamu tak tahu perkara-perkara lain selain dari mendayung sampan?" Tanya Professor itu. Pendayung sampan itu hanya menggelengkan kepalanya.

Masih tidak berpuas hati, Professor itu bertanya lagi, "Kamu tahu geografi?" Pendayung sampan itu menggelengkan kepala. "Kalau macam ni, kamu dah kehilangan 25 peratus dari usia kamu." Kata Professor itu lagi, "Kamu tahu biologi?" Pendayung sampan itu menggelengkan kepala. "Kasihan. Kamu dah kehilangan 50 peratus usia kamu. Kamu tahu fizik?" Professor itu masih lagi bertanya. Seperti tadi, pendayung sampan itu hanya menggelengkan kepala. "Kalau begini, kasihan, kamu sudah kehilangan 75 peratus dari usia kamu. Malang sungguh nasibkamu, semuanya tak tahu.Seluruh usia kamu dihabiskan dengan mendayung sampan." Kata Professor itu dengan nada mengejek dan angkuh. Pendayung sampan itu hanya berdiam diri.

Selang beberapa minit kemudian, tiba-tiba hujan turun. Tiba-tiba saja datang ombak besar. Sampan itu dilambung ombak besar dan terbalik.Professor dan pendayung sampan terpelanting. Sempat pula pendayung sampan itu bertanya, "Kamu tahu berenang?" Professor itu menggelengkan kepala. "Kalau macam ini, kamu dah kehilangan 100 peratus nyawa kamu." Kata pendayung sampan itu sambil berenang menuju ke pantai.

Moral of the Story: Dalam hidup ini IQ yang tinggi belum tentu boleh menjamin kehidupan. Tak guna kita pandai dan tahu banyak perkara jika tak tahu perkara-perkara penting dalam hidup. Adakalanya orang yang kita sangka bodoh itu rupanya lebih berjaya dari kita. Dia mungkin bodoh dalam bidang yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan kerjayanya, tetapi "MASTER" dalam bidang yang diceburi.

Hidup ini singkat. Jadi, tanyalah pada diri sendiri,untuk apakah ilmu yang dikumpulkan jika bukan utk digunakan dan boleh digunakan?

Hikmat Inspirasi: Kepuasan itu terletak pada usaha bukannya pada pencapaian. Usaha sempurna adalah kemenangan sempurna...

Always a part time teacher..

Kids….. they are so cute!!!comelnye…..geramnye…Everything about them make my life happy. They always make me smile.:D

Holiday time = kindergarten’s teacher. This is my passion ...I love this job…I lyke this…hehe….dpt gaji… tu yg seronok tu…:P Thanks mama bgi kakngah keja… Huhu …sepatutnye tolong je mama, gaji x perlula …brula jdi anak yg baek :D…tpi nak wat cam mane …mama ku yg baek hati tu nak bagi gak gaji…terima jela kan..rezeki jgn ditolak :P

6 months holiday after finish my A-level was the longest time I spend with those cute little kids. That was the moment that I will never delete it from my mind. Being a teacher to group of 4, 5, 6 years old student was the most memorable time in my life. It was such a great pleasure when I saw that my student can read because of me.

The truth was this job really tested me a lot. I learned to be patient. Facing 12 children at the same time was not something easy. I must know how to deal with every single kids that I taught. It was not easy to make their mind to be in the class all the time. Yelakan..klau kite pun kekadang x bole focus dlm kelas, inikan pula budak. It was not easy to make them paid attention and feel fun when learning. I must know how to deal with naughty children. I must know how to make them quiet in a fun way but not in a stress way. My mother already told me, I cannot scold them..( macam mane tu..? budak2 kna diam tapi x bole marah diorang….pening aku pikirkan cara..)…so everything depends on your own creativity…so aku cubala sedaya upaya untuk buatkan budak2 tu seronok… At the beginning I still unclear what I must do….so apelagi aku x bole control class..budak2 tu bising ..berlari sana sini.…but not a long time after that (selepas tunjuk ajar mama) I already know how to tackle them. The main objective for kindergarten is learning through playing…So to make them fun I created a lot of activity. Kekadang tu aku sekali berguling2 dgn budak2 tu. Hehe…mula2 tu malu gak nak wat camtu..tapi nak attract their attention aku pun kna wat ape yg diorg wat ... When I was with those kids, I must pretended myself as I was a kid. It is one way that will make me more understand about the children feeling. So kekadang tu walaupun suara sgtla ‘sedap’ kna la jugak nyanyi ngan diorang jugak… huhu..tpi aku x kisah..aku suke je…

But one thing I realized, actually we can learn a lot of things from them even though they are only a cute human beings that do not know about life so much. We as grown up people sometimes can learn something from them. They got a very pure heart which I think most of us don’t have. Mereka x ade hasad dengki kalau tengok org laen bagus dri diorang. They also never judge other people the way their look. It’s very different from some of grown up people. Klau nak berkawan nak pilih yg ok2 ja. Kalau tgk org tu teruk sikit dah kata dah macam2. They are always sincere in doing something. When they say that something is good…yup that’s true and also when they say that something is bad…that’s also right. They never pretend. Mereka x pernah berpura2 di sebalik senyuman mesra…One more thing, they never give up. Klau x caye tengokla budak2 mane2 pun..diorang mesti bwat keja tu sampai berjaya gak…diorang x hangat2 tahi ayam pun..heee… there are still a lot of things that we can learn from them..:D

So now I am waiting for the next holiday to continue to teach those kids aerobics. That’s my duty for this year… They will show this to their parent during the sport’s day of Tadika Aktif Bestari this october..heeee..I’m waiting..:D

Friday, September 4, 2009

hatiku x mampu hadapinya...

Satu perkara telah terjdi dalam hidup ku yg menyebabkan aku betul-betul menyesalinya..hatiku mmg x mampu menghadapinya ...tiada kata-kata yg dapat mengambarkan tapi hanyalah hati sanubariku sendiri merasainya...disebalik muka yg selalu tersenyum..tiada siapa yg dapat melihat apakah isi hatiku sebenarnya…betapa sebenarnya hatiku terlampau sedih mengenainya …..tiada apa yg dapat mengembirakan aku lagi kecuali jika perkara yg berlaku itu kembali ke sedia kala ..… apabila melihat seolah2 ada harapan mengenai pekara itu….hatiku menjadi gembira sekali...tapi pada hakikatnya rupa-rupanya harapan itu hanyalah imaginasi pemikiran ku..…

Perkara itu mmg menyedarkan aku bahawa aku ini hanyalah insan yg kerdil disisiNYA yg maha besar….aku terlalu terbawa2 dengan hawa nafsu diri dan sangatlah mudah terpedaya dengan tipu daya musuh utama syaitan…bole dikatakan aku ini merupakan seorang insan yg tamak dalam hidup…yg x pandai menghargai segala-galanya yg ada disekeliling aku… yg x dapat membezakan yg mana baek atau buruk...

Perkara itu memang betul2 mengubah cara pemikiran aku…perkara itu mengajar aku erti hidup..perkara itu telah membuka mata aku untuk melihat sekeliling aku…ia telah mengajar aku betapa besar makna ‘menghargai’….ia bukanlah hanya satu perkataan yg disebut2 tapi merupakan satu perkatan yg hadir dalm hati….

Alhamdulillah …. Di dalam sanubariku ini aku benar2 bersyukur ianya terjadi dalam hidup….walaupun ianya sangat pedih untuk aku menghadapinya…dan walaupun ia ‘mungkin’ merubah segala-galanya..ia memang telah memberi satu pengajaran dalam diriku yg x mungkin akn ku lupakan…ia telah mengajar aku supaya bersyukur dgn segala nikmat yg diberiNYA…ia memang telah meninggalkan satu parut yg x akan hilang dari hatiku…akan ku jadikan ini sebagai satu pengajaran yg amat bermakna dalam hidupku….ianya telah mengajarku dalam semua perkara…

aku benar-benar berharap bahawa perkara itu akan kembali pulih sedia kala dan mungkin lebeh baek dari sebelumnya...inilah harapan ku sebenarnya...aku benar2 berharap..

p/s : kata2ku kali ini bukan adalah hanya unkapan manis dimulutku…tapi ia mmg datang tulus ikhlas dari hatiku ini…percayalah diriku...

Ya Allah aku mmg memerlukan kekuatan dlam menghadapi perkara ini…kuatkan diri hambamu ini…tabahkanlah diri hamba mu ini…hanya kepada mu sesungguhnya aku berserah dan memohon pertolongan…perkenankanlah permintaan ku ini..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009



Four letter words that bring a great meaning to our life…. A word that has so many implicit meaning in it…. A powerful word that can control most of our emotion. We can be sad, happy and angry because of love. Hehe…jiwang la plak aku nih..:p

For me, without love, I cannot live in this world. I think everyone also like this. When I say love, many people will thinks love between a boy and a girl, a woman and a man. Yup, there are, but there are many other things about love that also important. emmm…love for FOOD, love to SHOP, love to see beautiful things, love to TRAVEL…are all of these important? Of course there are…

But….from all of them….what is truly essential in my life is love from MY FAMILY and FRIENDS.

MY FAMILY is really important to me. I cannot describe it by words how important they are to me. Love from them is more important that everything else in this world. Being love by them is a wonderful feeling. The feeling of comfortable, happy, blissful, and feel very safe when with them is magnificent. This is the true love. Love that’s doesn’t need any payment. Love that is pure from your heart...yang seikhlas-ikhlasnya. I also love them soooooo muchhhh. I love abah, mama, kaklong n adik. No matter what we face in our life, we still can be strong because of the love between us. We are a happy family :D

Kakngah sayang u all..muahxxxx (~big hug~).…waa…aku tulis cam nih..membuatkan aku tringat pasal my family..waa..nak balik..=(

To my friends = I have special quotes to u all…’Remember that every friend was once a stranger’ …yup u all once a stranger to me …I do not know who you are before this.. but we are already fated to meet each other.. and now we become friends…LUV u all..

p/s : but the most important n the first of everything else are love to ALLAH S.W.T and Rasullulah S.A.W.. Do not forget this and remember this.