
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Ya Allah untuk semuanya

Sunday, December 6, 2009

open ur heart

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
The praises to Allah we should always say
when things go right it's from Him not me
And when they are wrong, we get through patiently

you should open ur heart and see things that go wrong calmly
don't let ur feeling messed up ur mind..
u already given by Allah a wonderful give 'akal fikiran yang sempurna'..
u should use it and thinks everything rationally...
u must always stay calm...stay sabr
bcoz if u're not there are always come that "things" to mess up ur mind..

Sesungguhnya marah itu dari syaitan. Syaitan itu dijadikan daripada api,apabila kamu marah, maka hendaklah dia mengambil wuduk." (Abu Daud)

a person is in the weakest state if he or she is in ruffle state..

while the strongest person of all is someone who can control his anger..

"Bukannya kuat (kerana dapat mengalahkan orang) dengan bergusti, tetapi kekuatan sebenarnya ialah orang yang dapat mengawal dirinya ketika marah." (Al-Tirmizi)