
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Ya Allah untuk semuanya

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Huh…tired to read physical pharmacy…
planned ..wanna rest just FOR A FEW MINUTES..
so I took my laptop n switch it on..
I said that I wanted to browse the internet just for a while..
will not take too long…
the result..
(sigh) usual I can’t stop my fingers to click it more..

Finally from a

Can u imagine it..

My test just around the corner..
But still I can’t discipline myself..

But anyways..

After reading assiduously one blog after one blog..
make me can’t stop..
I spontaneously wanna to read more..
Feel jealous with other bloggers who know a lot of knowledge..
Feel like my knowledge is so limited..
I must read more..
Not just exam books..but others books as well..
Not just focus just to one type of books..

But now I not really available to do so..

But I’ll try my best to read..
thinking about the holiday..=)

I want to share with u two post that I feel interested to read..

not really knowledgeable..

but it's fun


n useful to read

apabila wanita tak tahu memasak

p/s : read more.. discover more
agreed with aleen..why we must make friends from only just one type of people..why don’t we make friends with other type of people as well… so that we know how other people perspective about something.. same goes to books..


  1. assalamulaikum wbt.
    bila exam nye,bee?
    ble cutinye plk?
    klu blk as,bgtau la ye.
    sbb jah n najwa pn cuti.
    blh kua jln sme2 i'Allah.;)
    byk2 mmbaca tau.
    it's very good for our imaan insyaAllah.
    try books on Rasulullah pbuh companions (sahabah).dgn kisah2 mereka,selalu terefleksi nilai iman/islam dalam diri kita berbanding mereka. :(

    take care of urself n ur imaan ya.
    pls send my warmth salam to amirah,aleen,anis,fariz dll.


  2. waalaikumusalam...
    thanks..kak jannah dgn nasihatnya..
    insyaALLAH ape2 nnti gtahu..

    lmbt g cuti..march nnti bru cuti..mase bday kak Jannah ade la kut nnti..hehe..
